
I am taking a temporary haitus on active updates on the site.

A while ago I wrote that I was done with Joomla, and have been looking for alternative solutions. I had initially thought to start looking at some eCommerce-type frameworks, as I have been toying with the idea of starting to offer some kind of services in the future. But I have also just been offered a new position with another company, which I have accepted. So now I'm going back and debating whether or not I want to go ahead with the services offering to begin with... And if no eCommerce, then there are many other options suddenly at my disposal.

So I'm taking a bit of a hiatus while I transition to the new employment, as well as examine some website frameworks that can work for me. I may periodically update things here and there, but won't be writing any big articles for the next while, at least not until a decision has been made in regards to what framework to move ahead with.

In the meantime, you can still Contact Me if you have any questions or comments for me.

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