
Not a week after writing my previous rant about my disillusionment with Joomla, suddenly, out of the blue, I am able to update it!? Not that I'm specifically complaining... But WTF!?

I'm not above the idea that whatever the problem, was due to my incoimpetence or lack of knowledge or something like that. I'm fine with that; I expect that; in fact, this is exactly why I set up this site to begin with: a learning experience. And I know that one of my better teachers is errors and mistakes, and indeed, I have learned much from trying to maintain this site already, and expect the same for the future. So please, by all means, show me the errors of my ways, and I will be happy to amend.

But with this suddenly being fixed... While I am happy that it is working again, I have no idea of what the problem may have been, nor how it was "fixed". That also means that I have no idea whether or not that issue may or may not arise in the future... It's almost as if someone at Joomla read my rant, and used some backdoor to go in and just fix it all (though I know such is not LIKELY due to my firewall policy). To top off the confusion, the commenting add-on, Komento (which I griped about a lot previously) has also suddenly started working... Seemingly like magic.

So NOW what to do...??? Do I just accept this as gift from the Joomla gods? And hope that I don't anger them again (somehow)? Or do I continue my (very VERY slow) research in to other website frameworks?

For now, I think I will simply accept what gifts have been provided (and continue with my sacrifices of virgin rubber chickens), and simply address any further issues as they arise. Since the commenting is working (for now) I will again solicit your thoughts and comments below. ;)

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